Services for industrial digitization.
PLC/SCADA/HMI software application development services.

▪ PLC (programmable logic controller) type industrial software application development services for automation panels with wired or wireless communication.
▪ Design, development and implementation of software applications for any type of programmable automaton: Siemens, Schneider, AllenBradley, ABB, VIPA, etc.
▪ Implementation of operating logic for automatic systems according to the specifications.
▪ SCADA applications in the following work scenarios:
- Standalone or client-server workstations;
- Statii server redundante;
- Local monitoring and control of a technological process;

▪ HMI (human machine interface) industrial touchpanel display: Siemens, Schneider, VIPA, etc.
▪ Industrial Panel PC (capacitive, resistive, non-touch) equipped with software WEBICC PANEL pe sisteme de operare Windows sau Linux.
▪ Software applications for remote monitoring using industrial or normal tablets as well as smartphones.

▪ Configurable reports on WEB platforms with local or remote access via the Internet;
▪ Reports for technology operators;
▪ Reports for management staff, engineers and system administrators;
▪ Energy consumption reports;
▪ Demonstration reports to the address: WEBICC Report Designer

▪ SCADA runtime RT and CS configuration software applications, which work on any smart device;
▪ Standalone and client/server applications: OPC Server / OPC DA / OPC UA/ OPC XML;
▪ Applications with proprietary drivers for Siemens equipment (S7 functions), Schneider (Modbus RTU/Modbus TCP/IP), Allen Bradley;
▪ Software applications with databases: MS SQL, MySQL, SQL Lite, etc.;

SaaS Cloud-computing services (software as a service) - remote operation.
- VM hosting services–uri (masini virtuale) pe serverele proprii sau pe platformele consacrate.
- Services for configuring virtual machines: security, virtual data network, etc.
- Ensuring permanent operation in the Cloud 24/7.
- Sistem Centralized monitoring system and control type SCADA based on monthly subscription.

▪ Migration of any existing SCADA software application with local operation in the Cloud to be accessed remotely.
▪Applications with SCADA reports with Cloud operation and access from anywhere and anytime.
▪ Vizualizarea datelor de la echipamentele de telemetrie pe ecrane sinoptice animate in Cloud.
▪ Customized software applications for collecting technological data from anywhere and purchasing them in the Cloud
▪ Access to information in a secure Cloud.

▪ The database and the entire HMI project are in the Cloud and the HMI is just a touchscreen terminal.

▪ Customized software applications with proprietary drivers for Siemens, Schneider, Allen Bradley equipment for the acquisition of technological data in the Cloud;
▪ Software applications with various communication protocols managed in the Cloud: MQTT, BACNet, ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP/IP, WebAPI, EthernetIP
▪ Access to information in a secure Cloud.

▪ Online report generators with export in the usual preferred format: xlsx, docx, pdf, txt, etc.
▪ Cloud reports with usual databases.
▪ Access to information in a secure Cloud.

We offer technical support services.

▪ Improvements and/or improvements
▪ PLC/HMI upgrade

Automatic systems modernization services.

▪ Expansion and/or reconfiguration
▪ Upgrade

▪ Expansion and/or reconfiguration
▪ Upgrade

▪ Expansion and/or reconfiguration
▪ Upgrade
Quos ipsum ea debitis eligendi est nemo minima id aliquid praesentium. Ut sint illo ea itaque odio ut corrupti adipisci et. numquam itaque qui modi molestias qui cupiditate quis eum officiis aperiam. Totam cupiditate ut voluptas voluptates qui voluptas laboriosam ea sint in doloribus sunt cum dolor architecto? Vel consectetur quibusdam sed ipsum velit aut mollitia magni SERVICII PENTRU DEZVOLTARE. digitalizare industriala particulare, drivere proprietare, achzitie de date in cloud, depanare PLC , HMI suport, traing PLC/HMI ,retrofit, retrofoi scada, retrofit hmi.
Maini virtuale instalate cu webicc SCADA pregatite pentru configurare si functionare instant ,migrarea oricarei apilcatii software scada existente cu functionare locala in cloud pentru a acesate de la distanta ,aplicatii cu rpoarte scada cu functionare in cloud si accesare de oriunde si oricand vizualizarwa datelor de la echipament de telemtrie pe ecrane sinoptice animate in cloud aplicatii software persomnalizate pentru culegere de date.telemtrie pe ecrane sinoptice animate in cloud aplicatii software
Proiecte dezvoltare si implementrare aplicatii software particulare specifice cu server de date in coud ,aplicatii software personalizate cu drivere proprietare pentru echipamente Siemens Schinder Allen Bradley pentru achizitionarea datelor tehnologice in cloud.Aplicatii software cu protocolae de comunicare diverse gestionare in clod aplicatii softare cu protocolae de comunicatie diverse in cloud . sinoptice animate in cloud aplicatii software persomnalizate pentru culegere de date.
Baza de date si toate proiectele HMI se afla in coud ,aplicatii software personalizate cu drivere
software plc, software scada, software hmi, rapoarte scada, aplicatii scada, monitorizarea si controlul local al uni proces s tehnologic, control de la distanta, aplicatii software SCADA, OPC server, rapoarte consumuri energetice, raporte pentru operatii tehnologice ,aplicatii software particulare, drivere proprietare, achzitie de date in cloud, depanare PLC , HMI suport, traing PLC/HMI ,retrofit, retrofoi scada, retrofit hmi.
- Romania, Galati, Lupeni nr.1-3
- +40749106622
- +40749106623
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